After the Christmas holidays, many of us in the UK are feeling the pinch. Every little saving counts, and money-saving tips are more relevant than ever. Here are some practical ways to help you, as a driver, save on fuel and car expenses—not just this January!
Switch Off Your Engine When Idle
If you’re stuck at traffic lights or in a queue for more than a minute, turn off your engine. Restarting a modern engine uses very little fuel and is often cheaper than idling.
Avoid Harsh Braking and Acceleration
Sudden starts and stops burn more fuel. Accelerate gradually and anticipate when to slow down. Smooth driving is not only fuel-efficient but also reduces wear and tear on your car.
Lighten Your Load
The heavier the load, the more fuel you’ll use. Remove unnecessary items from the boot and other storage areas in your car. Don’t forget to take off roof racks and carriers when not in use, as they increase wind resistance.
Keep Your Tyres Properly Inflated
Under-inflated tyres increase fuel consumption and can make your car less safe, especially in cold weather. Regularly check tyre pressure to save money and improve safety.
Use Your Gears Efficiently
Shift up to a higher gear as soon as it’s practical when accelerating. Higher gears consume less fuel. Try to drive in the “sweet spot,” where the engine isn’t straining or revving too high.
Try to Use Heating Less Often
To stay comfortable, layer up with thermal underwear, jumpers, and jackets. Gloves and scarves can also help reduce reliance on your car’s heating system.
Plan Your Routes to Avoid Traffic
Sitting in traffic wastes fuel and frays your nerves. Use apps or your satnav to find the quickest and most efficient routes.
Drive at Steady Speeds on Motorways
Maintain a steady speed within the limit on long motorway journeys to minimise fuel consumption.
Take the Time to Find the Best Petrol Prices
Petrol prices vary significantly. Use apps to find the best deals, or stick to supermarket petrol stations, which are often cheaper than branded ones.
Consider Car Sharing
Know someone travelling the same route as you? Car sharing could save you both money and reduce traffic.
We hope these tips help you cut your driving costs this January without making significant changes to your routine!